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Tuesday, December 19, 2017


The Ogun State Government has announced that the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and the Joint Admissions And Matriculation Board (JAMB) have granted full approvals for the take off of academic activities at the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia with immediate effect.
It wil be recalled that some students of the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta today visited the Governor’s Office in Abeokuta to express their concerns about the delay in the commencement of their examinations and continued strike action of the lecturers which they noted had greatly undermined the completion of their various programmes at the institution.

Although a section of the students displayed some unacceptable conduct while the interaction lasted but as a responsible government, we appreciate their anxiety and therefore assured them that government was working day and night to ensure that all issues relating their concerns were resolved.
Following several inspection visits to the site of the Polytechnic, we are delighted to report that the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) has granted accreditation to the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia to commence academic activities in18 programmmes

In a related development, the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has also announced the opening of its portals for prospective students to enable them register for courses at the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia for the 2017/2018 Academic Session.

 This development further confirms government’s position that the interest and welfare of all students of its various institutions as well as their parents is paramount and will always be accorded a pride of place by our government. We are confident that normalcy will return to these institutions very shortly.

 For the benefit of all stakeholders, we like to state that the crisis arose in the first place from the refusal of the lecturers to call off their strike.

 Among their demands is that government must pay them full salaries including the months they did not work on account of an illegal and totally unwarranted work to rule action. For the avoidance of doubt, Government restates that no one will be paid for work not done. And no one will be allowed to hold the good people of Ogun State to ransom.

We call on our students to immediately return to their classes as we continue to work round the clock to resolve other outstanding issues.

Barr Taiwo Adeoluwa
Secretary to the State Government
Monday, 18th December, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017

MAPOLY lecturers punishing their students, says Commissioner.

The Ogun State Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Modupe Mujota, has revealed that the lecturers of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) are punishing students and have picked the wrong battle.

She made this remark when fielding questions from members of the State House Committee on Finance and Appropriation presiding over the budget defence at the House of Assembly complex on Friday.

Mujota opined that request tabled by Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics, MAPOLY Chapter that admission of students be allowed into either MAPOLY or Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia is unsubstantial.

Mujota claimed that it was not the business of the lecturers to decide on admission, claiming that the strike is de-marketing the school in the admission market.

Her words, "They are insisting that admission must commence either at Ipokia or Mapoly for OND, and we are saying it’s not your problem, your problem was the HND which have been addressed.

“The lecturers delaying the start of the examination is de-marketing the school themselves because those who are to be applying for the HND programme both full time and part time are going to be second-guessing themselves, that why should I apply for a school that is yet to write their examination?"

Meanwhile, she explained that the ministry was always open for communication with the institution, noting that she had on different occasion met with various groups from the institution.

"I have played host to different teams from Academic staff to the non-academic staff union of the school. We have explained and articulated what the thinking of the administration was and the fact that we are not going back on Ipokia."

She denounced the lecturers unyielding attitude, asserting that “the joy of every lecturer is to see their their students pass exams and go on to do well in their future endeavours, but the lecturers of MAPOLY are killing what should be their joy.

She also accused the lecturers of being mischievous in their handling of the whole issue, claiming that their refusal to submit examination questions even before the strike could attract some punitive measures from the government.

"We could decide to go hard on them because their action was a violation of calendar, they should have submitted their questions way before they started their strike, there is a bit of mischief in their handling of the matter."

When questioned on the unpaid salary of the lecturers, she said, "I don’t know where you pay people that don’t work."

Mujota did state that Governor Ibikunle Amosun’s stance that all students of MAPOLY would finish their programme in MAPOLY is still valid, noting that the lecturers also have four years to formalize their decision on whether to go to Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia which they have been assured of free passage or vie for positions based on their qualifications at Moshood Abiola University of Science and Technology (MAUSTECH).

Source... Press club Mapoly. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia to Begin Admitting Students Soon - Gov. Amosun

Ogun State government said the new Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia will begin admitting students for the 2017/2018 academic session in November.
Governor Ibikunle Amosun announced this while turning the sod of the institution at Iwuku in Ipokia local government area.

The governor said that the contractors will be fully mobilized to the project site ahead of inspection visit if the officials of officials of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)  to the new institution in October.

Amosun explained that National Diploma two (ND2) at the former Moshood Abiola Polythecnic Abeokuta (MAPOLY), will be allowed the to complete their programs at the Onikoko campus in Abeokuta.

The new intake into the National Diploma one (ND1) programs of the new polytechnic are to resume at the Ipokia permanent site.

He appealed to lecturers of former MAPOLY who wished to move to the Moshood Abiola University of Science and Technology, Abeokuta, to re-apply for the University job.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

MAPOLY :NBTE refuses to accredit Ogun Poly, Ipokia

Anxiety  over whether   visiting team of Officials of National  Board of Technical Education  would grant accreditation to the new Polytechnic known as Ogun state Polytechnic, Ipokia or not may have  been put to rest as the visiting  NBTE officials reportedly   refused to grant accreditation to the  proposed  Polytechnic.
PLATFORM TIMES reliably gathered  that  a-10-man NBTE team led by Engr.  Nuru Yakub who  is no longer the  Executive Secretary of the Board   inspected the new site of the proposed Polytechnic   could  not  grant accreditation to the institution.

Contrary to the widely circulated reports that  the team which came from Kaduna  arrived   Ipokia on  Monday  which  observed the virgin land at the permanent site and  the  reported 'mad rush' for the completion of the 'temporary campus' would give the government go ahead to begin 42 courses.
A source who  was at the site during the inspection reported that  the team  also observed that  the proposed School did  not have the necessary facilities upon which an accreditation could  be granted.
The source further said  that three  members of the NBTE team openly condemned some activities; including but not limited to the location of the hostel accommodation  which  was reported was  at the digging level.
According to the findings , the officials were  worried  about lack of  necessary facilities  which include Library, Health Centre, Sports Complex  among others  that should have accompanied even the temporary campus would not make it to grant the wish of the government on the accreditation.
It was also observed that there were no studios, laboratories and workshops in the proposed school.
 PLATFORM TIMES also gathered that the team was just an advisory team as the resources inspectors  were yet to be contacted  for inspection.
The leader of the team while speaking with newsmen said “ we would do our best when we return to Kaduna tomorrow to meet and interact  with the team  so that we  can advise  on the best possible ways  for His Excellency “.
Meanwhile, there is a strong indication that  the  Students' handbook of the proposed  Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia  contained various degrees of errors ranging from two Directors of Environmental Studies, to a Town Planner heading the School of Business Administration.
It was also learnt  that out of 24 courses being run at Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ,Abeokuta ,only 10 courses were presented by the government excluding 14 .
It was further gathered that Mass Communication and Acccounting were left out of the new programme .

source: platformtimes


Recall that when the current imbroglio that followed the pronounced conversion of our highly revered MAPOLY to a University started, I have not said anything publicly. Today, I feel constrained to place on record the most recent happening, on which destiny of thousands of students had been hung.
Also remember that NTBE had been billed to visit the site of the proposed take-off campus of the newly established Ogun State Polytechnic, yesterday, Monday, 4th December, 2017. That actually took place yesterday.

Expectedly, the Ogun State Government through its fifth columnists have started sing-praising its own 'efforts' over the ongoing construction works at the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia. So much so that there are talks as if the 10-man NBTE team has 'granted' accreditation to the polytechnic.

It is however imperative to set the records straight. You deserve to know what played out yesterday.

Firstly, there is no accreditation for the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia. Recall that the Ogun State Governor had sometimes in August been quoted to have said they had approval for '42 courses'. This visit yesterday has confirmed, that was a BLATANT LIE. Everyone and anyone with Polytechnic experience knows that for accreditation to occur, there shall be a team of resource persons (from various Institutions) for various programmes with NBTE staff as support staff for the various teams - this did not happen at Ipokia. Though, some widely experienced technocrats are also involved in institutional accreditation, the 10-man team to Ipokia is an ADVISORY TEAM who lacks powers to accredit an institution or its programmes. Therefore, the essence of the visit ab initio is for the government to attempt a 'shortcut' which in the end, amounted to a share waste of funds and resources.

Contrary to the widely circulated reports, the head of the team, Engr Nuru Yakub is NOT the current ES of the NBTE.

The team, while at Ipokia observed the virgin land at the permanent site and the 'mad rush' for the completion of the 'temporary campus' which it also observed does not have the necessary facilities upon which an accreditation can be granted.

It was credited that about 3 members of the NBTE team openly condemned some activities; including but not limited to the location of the hostel accommodation (which is just at the digging level), the time length it will take for the facilities to be completed, the very notable absence of crucial facilities (Library, Health Centre, Sports Complex, etc) that should have accompanied even the temporary campus. How do you teach Polytechnic students without STUDIOS, LABORATORIES and WORKSHOPS? None of these are yet available. You can be sure there is even no MASTER PLAN.

In all, there was no TIME, all through the exercise yesterday, that the team leader failed to indicate that their visit (which was forced upon them by the Ogun State Government who paid to NBTE for the visit) was ADVISORY and that useful advise will be given. Why then is the government trying to confuse our people?

A look at the hurriedly printed students' handbook of the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia will vindicate this write up wherein various degrees of errors could be observed. Ranging from 2 Directors of Environmental Studies, to a Town Planner heading the School of Business Administration, and some programmes listed as courses and others as programmes. Is this the best we can do for the 'Gateway State'? I also wonder if, after the visit, the buses of MAPOLY re designated to OGUNPOLY buses for the purpose of the visit will be rechristened back to the original owners (MAPOLY). Can't the state government afford to buy buses for the Institution they created? I wonder if same will be done when the NUC comes calling for the resource inspection of MAUSTECH!

I have spoken that ye may know, correct the wrong impression already being created that the institution has been granted accreditation. Unsuspecting students, parents and members of the public be WARNED!NBTE's VISIT TO IPOKIA: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

Recall that when the current imbroglio that followed the pronounced conversion of our highly revered MAPOLY to a University started, I have not said anything publicly. Today, I feel constrained to place on record the most recent happening, on which destiny of thousands of students had been hung.

Also remember that NTBE had been billed to visit the site of the proposed take-off campus of the newly established Ogun State Polytechnic, yesterday, Monday, 4th December, 2017. That actually took place yesterday.

Expectedly, the Ogun State Government through its fifth columnists have started sing-praising its own 'efforts' over the ongoing construction works at the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia. So much so that there are talks as if the 10-man NBTE team has 'granted' accreditation to the polytechnic.

It is however imperative to set the records straight. You deserve to know what played out yesterday.

Firstly, there is no accreditation for the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia. Recall that the Ogun State Governor had sometimes in August been quoted to have said they had approval for '42 courses'. This visit yesterday has confirmed, that was a BLATANT LIE. Everyone and anyone with Polytechnic experience knows that for accreditation to occur, there shall be a team of resource persons (from various Institutions) for various programmes with NBTE staff as support staff for the various teams - this did not happen at Ipokia. Though, some widely experienced technocrats are also involved in institutional accreditation, the 10-man team to Ipokia is an ADVISORY TEAM who lacks powers to accredit an institution or its programmes. Therefore, the essence of the visit ab initio is for the government to attempt a 'shortcut' which in the end, amounted to a share waste of funds and resources.

Contrary to the widely circulated reports, the head of the team, Engr Nuru Yakub is NOT the current ES of the NBTE.

The team, while at Ipokia observed the virgin land at the permanent site and the 'mad rush' for the completion of the 'temporary campus' which it also observed does not have the necessary facilities upon which an accreditation can be granted.

It was credited that about 3 members of the NBTE team openly condemned some activities; including but not limited to the location of the hostel accommodation (which is just at the digging level), the time length it will take for the facilities to be completed, the very notable absence of crucial facilities (Library, Health Centre, Sports Complex, etc) that should have accompanied even the temporary campus. How do you teach Polytechnic students without STUDIOS, LABORATORIES and WORKSHOPS? None of these are yet available. You can be sure there is even no MASTER PLAN.

In all, there was no TIME, all through the exercise yesterday, that the team leader failed to indicate that their visit (which was forced upon them by the Ogun State Government who paid to NBTE for the visit) was ADVISORY and that useful advise will be given. Why then is the government trying to confuse our people?

A look at the hurriedly printed students' handbook of the Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia will vindicate this write up wherein various degrees of errors could be observed. Ranging from 2 Directors of Environmental Studies, to a Town Planner heading the School of Business Administration, and some programmes listed as courses and others as programmes. Is this the best we can do for the 'Gateway State'? I also wonder if, after the visit, the buses of MAPOLY re designated to OGUNPOLY buses for the purpose of the visit will be rechristened back to the original owners (MAPOLY). Can't the state government afford to buy buses for the Institution they created? I wonder if same will be done when the NUC comes calling for the resource inspection of MAUSTECH!

I have spoken that ye may know, correct the wrong impression already being created that the institution has been granted accreditation. Unsuspecting students, parents and members of the public be WARNED!

Kindly SHARE.


Solidarity greetings to all students, comrades of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta, the students' Leaders allocates this moment to salute all and sundry affected with this issue pivoting round the upgrading of MAPOLY and establishment of Ogun State polytechnic Ipokia for showing a great sense of patience and understanding throughout the unfavourable moments.

Sequel to a report from the students' Leaders on the need to await the National Board for Technical Education at the newly established Polytechnic at Ipokia, it is a circulated information already that yesterday, the NBTE delegates visited the polytechnic for inspection.

In view of their visitation, we gathered that the anticipated accreditation expected by all concerned individuals from the NBTE officials was not achieved but which they have only shown what we termed "Total Drama' on the intelligence of the affected citizens of Ogun State, especially MAPOLY Students. This purports that the commencement of academic activities at Ogun Polytechnic will be difficult to achieve this year again.

Responsively, the entire students of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta express their unsatisfactory gesture to the government of Ogun State for her callous and inconsiderate policy implementation by truncating the future of our dear students all in the name of "Mission to rebuild".

However, we hereby allege the state Government of Ogun State for being ignorant of the ASUP MAPOLY demands, which tabled a request for the admission of ND Students either into MAPOLY or Ogun State Polytechnic Ipokia. It is highly obvious that admission into the new Polytechnic at Ipokia seems impossible due to the absence of necessary amenities and completed structures for the commencement of activities. As it is, this year is a waste already.

We however call on the state government to approve admission of ND Students into Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Abeokuta with just an ultimatum of "One Week", because this is the alternative institution in their demands where admission can be done into since the newly established Polytechnic at Ipokia is yet completed.

In response to our demand, if the state government of Ogun State refuses to meet up within the given period of time, the entire students populace of MAPOLY won't hesitate to hold all Abeokuta metropolis into ransom.

We also call on all students of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic in all nooks and crannies of the country to quickly return back to school as this issue goes beyond a portion of students but cut across all affected students of the institution.

This is also a note of invitation to all forums, associations and progressive congregation where our students get involved to be part of this struggle as we all trend under the same atmosphere and carry the title "Great Nigerian Students".

Most importantly, we use this medium to call upon the leadership of NANS both National and State and the leadership of NAPS National for their urgent intervention in rescuing our students from this state of despair as "an injury to one is an injury to all"

Aluta Continua, Victoria Ascerta!!!

God bless MAPOLY students!
God bless MAPOLY!!