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Sunday, December 10, 2017

MAPOLY :NBTE refuses to accredit Ogun Poly, Ipokia

Anxiety  over whether   visiting team of Officials of National  Board of Technical Education  would grant accreditation to the new Polytechnic known as Ogun state Polytechnic, Ipokia or not may have  been put to rest as the visiting  NBTE officials reportedly   refused to grant accreditation to the  proposed  Polytechnic.
PLATFORM TIMES reliably gathered  that  a-10-man NBTE team led by Engr.  Nuru Yakub who  is no longer the  Executive Secretary of the Board   inspected the new site of the proposed Polytechnic   could  not  grant accreditation to the institution.

Contrary to the widely circulated reports that  the team which came from Kaduna  arrived   Ipokia on  Monday  which  observed the virgin land at the permanent site and  the  reported 'mad rush' for the completion of the 'temporary campus' would give the government go ahead to begin 42 courses.
A source who  was at the site during the inspection reported that  the team  also observed that  the proposed School did  not have the necessary facilities upon which an accreditation could  be granted.
The source further said  that three  members of the NBTE team openly condemned some activities; including but not limited to the location of the hostel accommodation  which  was reported was  at the digging level.
According to the findings , the officials were  worried  about lack of  necessary facilities  which include Library, Health Centre, Sports Complex  among others  that should have accompanied even the temporary campus would not make it to grant the wish of the government on the accreditation.
It was also observed that there were no studios, laboratories and workshops in the proposed school.
 PLATFORM TIMES also gathered that the team was just an advisory team as the resources inspectors  were yet to be contacted  for inspection.
The leader of the team while speaking with newsmen said “ we would do our best when we return to Kaduna tomorrow to meet and interact  with the team  so that we  can advise  on the best possible ways  for His Excellency “.
Meanwhile, there is a strong indication that  the  Students' handbook of the proposed  Ogun State Polytechnic, Ipokia  contained various degrees of errors ranging from two Directors of Environmental Studies, to a Town Planner heading the School of Business Administration.
It was also learnt  that out of 24 courses being run at Moshood Abiola Polytechnic ,Abeokuta ,only 10 courses were presented by the government excluding 14 .
It was further gathered that Mass Communication and Acccounting were left out of the new programme .

source: platformtimes

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