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Friday, March 2, 2018



What more can be classified as academic success than excelling and having a good grade point?, Being in the region of upper and distinction make you happy whereas in achieving that, all you need, is preparation, belief and focus.

Note that, no institution is easy but you can make it easy if you are ready. Note that, the fact that you start with a bad grade doesn't mean you can't end with a good grade but what's better is that you start well, so that a little mistake in the middle will be strengthen by the points u gathered in the beginning.

Never should you disrespect anyone irrespective of levels or age for you never know who is who.. Give respect to lecturers both teaching and non teaching staffs and also give yourself some respect by making sure you do the rights and avoid the wrongs. Never joke with classes, keep notes and ask questions if you don't understand. Observe yourself, avoid what annoys you and engage in what motivates you.

Now, let's look at why some people get PASS, LOWER, UPPER and DISTINCTION...which if you can understand this scope, success in exams will be yours. Before analysing on anything, you should know that, GOD is the only way out of any examination, that's why you must

G- Get Past Questions
O- Of your
D- Departments to solve

Then why do some people get PASS? Why some get PASS is not because God hated them, as GOD don't hate anyone but because they :

P- Ply
A- Away
S- Serious
S- Situations

What we are talking here is that, this kind of people don't take anything serious, they are seen sleeping or not attending classes and not trying to know what happened in classes, they also shun tutorials, they hate studying etc but rather focus on things against why they have come to school.

Why do people get LOWER? It is not because that is where they belong to, but because they are based on :

L- Learning
O- Only
W- What
E- Everybody
R- Read / Recite

What am saying here is that, people who depend on what is common to everybody ends up getting lower. These are people that don't read wide for it is what is known to others that they get to put down in paper for examination. Why not try to be distinct and add more knowledge to what you know that's common to all. Markers get fed up seeing what's common, they sometimes classify it as redundancy.
Why do some get UPPER?
These people get upper not because they are brilliant than other but because they like :

U- Uncovering ( Solving)
P- Past Questions
P- Plus
E- E-learning
R- Reading

These kinds of people love to solve various past questions for different years and they don't stop there, they tend to read more online either through Google or Wikipedia..., they add more knowledge to what's being learnt in classes .
Why do some get DISTINCTION?
These people get distinction, not because GOD loved them but because they love :

D- Downloading
I- Intellectual
S- Subjects ( other aspects closer to a certain course)
T- To
I- Implement,
N- Navigate
C- Course - related
T- Topics
I- in
O- Over
N- Ninety Ways ( as many as you can) .

This kind of people tend to download lots of pdf intellectual packages ; they tend to read courses synonymous to their own courses ,inorder to know the source and details of a concept. It is by doing this, that they know that certain things are synonymous.... this kind of people also plan ahead before doing things, even after doing it, they still plan. Reading wide and reading ahead is a trait of this kind of people and they tend to give full details of a concept in examination.

With these analysis ,i wish you all success in your examinations. I once again welcome the freshers to MAPOLY and also other freshers to their various institutions. Also, I respect staylites, kudos to lecturers, kudos to managements... May success be the outcome of our various movements .

I am Abiola Moshood Ajumoko aka Phoenix , student of MAPOLY, HND2 Mass communication department. 

To be motivated, to be addressed on how to excel academically, Chat me up on WhatsApp, My number is 09023153600 or add me up on Facebook, my username is Abiola Moshood Ajumoko

I love you all...

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